St.Francis of Assisi Parish
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Flocknote News: To Keep in touch with us Text SFABS to 84576 – Or on line at There is a Icon
next to Facebook. This way we can reach-out to you with  resources and more…
Welcome New Parishioners
We are so happy to have you at St. Francis of Assisi Parish.
We recently changed our registration process. All you need do is either fill out the back of the Welcome flier in each
of the pews or directly call the Parish Office at 978-355-2228. If when you call our office manager, it directs you to voice mail,
leave your name and a telephone number and he will call you back.

Dear Parish Family and Friends,
The Women’s Guild of St. Francis of Assisi Parish is creating a custom cookbook
featuring family favorite recipes as well as holiday hits! These cookbooks will be
professionally published and are sure to be a treasured keepsake.

Please submit 3-5 of your favorite recipes so you can be represented in our cookbook.
Many recipes from all members will ensure that our cookbook is a success.
Thank you!
Parish Cookbook Committee

To Submit Recipes Online
• Go to click Login.
• Enter the User Name: frjamie
• Enter the Password: broil165 click Submit.
• Enter your name and email address click Continue.
• Click Add Recipes to begin adding your recipes.
If you prefer you could email your recipe to
or place a copy of your recipe in the basket at the back of the church
Recipe Writing Tips
• When adding recipes, use standard abbreviations.
• Only enter 1 ingredient per ingredient line.
• List ingredients in order of use in the
ingredients list and directions.
• Include container sizes, e.g., (16-oz.) pkg., (24-oz.) can.
• Write directions in paragraph form, not in steps.
• Use names of ingredients in the directions,
e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.”

DO NOT use statements like,
“Combine first three ingredients.”
• Include temperatures and cooking,
chilling, baking, and/or freezing times.
Additional comments about the recipe;
history, nutritional data, suggested uses, etc.
are not allowed unless a Recipe Note field is visible
Enter additional content in that field.


Daily mass . Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
9AM . St. Thomas A Becket Daily Masses are canceled when school is delayed/canceled due to weather

Wednesday, March 12th 6:30PM
St. Joseph's Hall
Upcoming Activities Include
April · DIY Floral Class
May · Trip to St. Anne’s Shrine
June · End of Year Dinner

Meetings are held monthly from September through
June on the 2nd Wednesday of the month,
6:30pm, at St. Joseph's hall (unless otherwise noted)
If you have any questions, please contact
Mary Ann Jordan, 978-808-3371

Stations of the Cross will be held on all of
the Fridays of Lent, beginning March 7, at
6:30PM at St. Thomas-a-Becket Church.
Good Friday will be Mary's Way of the Cross
at 3:00PM at St. Joseph Chapel.

“St. Francis of Assisi Charitable Needs & Resources Fund”.
The mission of our fund is to Help Families and Individuals in need by  assessing the needs for Food, Fuel & Utilities. The one-time assistance  will be assessed individually to the circumstances of each family. In  addition to helping with the immediate financial needs we will provide  clients with recommendation of other resources in the area for legal  assistance, housing, and counseling. If you need assistance or  know someone who needs assistance please contact
Paula Wood at 978-355-2228 Ext. 6
Did you know that Priscilla McGlynn is our Parish Outreach Coordinator?
One of her responsibilities is sending cards to parishioners experiencing  illness, hospitalization or loss. Please call Priscilla at 508.822.3128 to let  her know who may need a card (please include their address)  so they know that they are in our thoughts & prayers.

Attending a Worldwide Marriage  Encounter
( can help refine  and purify your marriage. It can help you in your communication, teach you many skills, and also help you  to grow in intimacy and in faith with one another.
Some of the dates to sign up are:

February 7-9, 2025 in Long Island, NY
March 21-23, 2025 in Burlington, VT
April 25-27, 2025 in East Sandwich, MA

Worldwide Marriage Encounter sponsors a variety of in-person  and virtual marriage experiences, some on weekends and some  on seven weekdays. Couples explore their relationship with each other, God, and the Church. Registration is limited; there  is a $100 application fee. For more information or to apply, call
Matt & Julie King at 978-870-5646 or

The Artisans @ St. Francis of Assisi

The Raffle Quilt and Christmas Fair Crafters
will be meeting at St. Joseph’s Hall the 1st
Thursday and 3rd Wednesday of every month
from 10 AM- 12 PM.

Sewers will be working on quilt blocks and crafters will be working on items for the  Christmas Craft Table.
Knitters and Crocheters you are invited to bring your projects and join in this fellowship!
 Can’t attend a day time meeting but want to  contribute? Please email Beth Cunningham at
Legacy of Hope
The Women’s Guild Bereavement Committee will be re-organizing so that once again we will be able to offer lunches for families at a time of loss. These lunches take a lot planning and co-ordination, so a lot of help is needed!

The lunch menu consists of a selection of four filled sandwiches, fruit cup, relish tray, chips baked goods and coffee for a cost of $5.00 per plate.

We will be looking for donations of fillings, of egg salad, tuna salad, ham salad or turkey salad, baked goods, and kitchen help on the day of the event.

If you are able to help in any of these areas, please sign up with your name, phone number and indicate the areas where you could help. Sign up sheets are in the back of the church. Thank you!

Campaign News

Photo's of St. Joesph & St.Thomas Becket courtesy of

Church of St.Thomas-a-Becket and St. Joseph Chapel Are Wheelchair Accessible
Diocese of Worcester ©Copyright St.Francis of Assisi Parish 2013-2025. All rights reserved.
398 Vernon Ave., P.O. Box 186 South Barre, MA 01074
fax (978) 355-0042 • Office phone (978) 355-2228

Parish Events