St.Francis of Assisi Parish |
to Saint Francis of Assisi Parish. Our parish was formed
on July of 2013 with a merger of two faith communities,
St.Thomas À Becket and St. Joseph Catholic Churches. We
chose as our patron, Saint Francis of Assisi –a saint
known for his love and devotion to Jesus Christ and
founder of the Franciscan Order. Your visit to our
website is sincerely appreciated and we hope that you
find the information on our site helpful. So please,
take your time and make yourself at home; scroll through
the various windows to learn more about our parish
family and discover who we are as a Catholic faith
Community. Finally, when you leave our website, may you
go with the blessing and peace of Christ. Fr. Jamie |
Mass Schedule
St. Joseph
Chapel: Sunday 8:00 am
Thomas-a-Becket Church: Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:30 am Weekday: M-W 9 am |
Have a Prayer Request ? The Saint Francis of Assisi
Parish Prayer Line You may call Pat Kowal
@978-355-2144 or Vicky King @978-355-4830 |
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday
morning following the 9:00 am Mass.
For Rosary
Information Please Contact Liz via phone or text at
774.364.2158 |
Parish Bulletin 2.2.25
2.9.25 2.16.25 2.23.25
Barre Food Bank Food Pantry
Distribution Barre Congregational Church 2nd Wednesday
of the Month 10AM -11:30AM 3rd Thursday of the Month
5:30PM -7PM Donations may be brought to both St Thomas
& St Joseph Churches. Non-perishable food items and
PERSONAL CARE items needed. Thank You |
News in Brief
The Barre Food Pantry is seeking
reliable people who are willing to give of their time on
the second Tuesday of the month, the second Wednesday of
the month or on the third Thursday of the month For
more information please call Sonja Blaney at
978-355-6921 or Chuck
Radlo at 978-355-6463. |
accepting contributions to the“St.
Francis of Assisi Charitable Needs & Resources Fund”. Donations can be placed in an envelope
marked Emergency Fund in the basket with the offertory
envelopes. For more information please contact Paula
Wood at 978-355-2228 Ext.6.
Thank you for your generosity |
HOMEBOUND?… if you would like visits from your
St Francis Parish family. For more information, call the
Church Office at 978-355-2228. Homebound parishioners
may be enrolled in the HomeTouch Program Receive a
weekly inspirational mailing including our Church
Bulletin! Call Priscilla @ 508-882-3128 HUGS to all~!
Be well & Be blessed |
Visiting the Homebound at Grandview Terrace
Great news! Fr. Jamie is holding Mass at Grandview
Terrace on the fourth Tuesday
of the month! Mass will be at 1:00pm All are welcome!
You don't have to reside at Grandview Terrance to
attend. Join us for worship, fellowship and
refreshments. Need transportation call
978-355-6659 We
will find you a ride. |
Eucharistic Exposition:
Wednesday after the 9am Mass |
" Behold i stand at the door and knock"It's time to
learn more about your Faith and experience what our
Religion can do for you. Jesus is waiting for you
personally. Cursillo Weekends are a
wonderful way to start on this journey. Go to to download an application or call Pam
Hamilton @774-239-8909 for more information.
You'll be glad you did! Upcoming Retreats:
Womens Weekend Mens Weekend |
Our parish is launching “Tilling the ground with
Prayer” We can think of our prayers as the
rain, fertilizer and hoeing the soil needs, to become
fertile ground. In a vision to St. Maria
Faustina more
here and

 Please Join Us! New Members are Always Welcome! If
you would like the opportunity to get involved in any of
our parish support efforts, please contact Mary Ann
Jordan via email at or via phone/text
at 978.808.3371.
Create Your Own Holy Moment! |

Keeping Children & Teens SAFE ONLINE

Knights of Columbus Council meets on the second
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the
St.Thomas-a-Becket church hall. |
 Visitation House
helps both Mothers and Babies to survive and thrive.
Online donations may be made at |
BABY SAFE HAVEN Those in turmoil
are able to drop off a newborn they are unable to care
for at any hospital, police station, or manned fire
station in Massachusetts. Support & Guidance is also
available by calling
1-877- 796-HOPE (4673) or 1-888-510 -2229. |
 Project Rachel is the Catholic Church’s ministry of
healing and reconciliation to those who have been
wounded by a past abortion. Call in strictest

BARRE Senior Center Did you know?
The Barre Senior Center is not just for Seniors!
Betty-Jo O’Brien Director can help with filling out forms
for fuel assistance, utility assistance, housing needs
and veterans assistance for people of all ages. Call
978-355-5004 and ask
for Betty-Jo O’Brien. |
Please contact Deacon Malcom to request your
2025 Mass Intentions
via email at or
phone the office at
978.355.2228. |
Environmental Stewardship Video Series
Green Mass |
Did you know that Priscilla McGlynn is our
Parish Outreach Coordinator? One of her
responsibilities is sending cards to parishioners
experiencing illness, hospitalization or loss. Please
call Priscilla at
508.822.3128 to let her know who may need a card
(please include their address) so they know that
they are in our thoughts & prayers. Especially now
during these cold days when isolation may set in
lets warm the hearts of others!
Lord, who are
we as a people, having been given blessings in portions
as no other nation before us? What has become of us,
Father? We have spoiled your spacious skies with
buildings and cities breathing with sin. The amber waves
of grain are no longer viewed as our blessing but as our
due. The awe and reverence due You when we gaze upon the
purple mountains and their majesty is no longer held;
rather, how much pleasure they can give us. Father, we
have spurned You. We’ve blamed our problems on those who
promote darkness, but You gave us time with Your Mother.
Now our eyes have been opened by Her. Our lack of
holiness, our not being light has allowed darkness to
prevail. Indeed, our sins which we wrongly view as small
have allowed those in darkness to commit great sins
without shame. We now realize it’s because of our
failings as Christians. Father, Samuel told your people,
“It is true you have committed all this evil, still you
must not turn from the Lord, but worship Him with your
whole heart. For the sake of His own great name, the
Lord will not abandon his own people.” Father, we come
before You with our whole hearts and ask You to grant
Our Lady Her intentions. Mary, we do not deserve to even
be heard, yet we know Your Son’s passion merits that we
are. Mary, we call You as You have called us. Please,
intercede before God to forgive us, to heal us, to heal
our families, and to heal our nation. Father, grant
Mary’s intentions and hear Her pleas for us. We know you
are justly irritated with us but we beg and plead for
forgiveness through our repentance from our hearts. We
realize our nation is headed toward disaster by so many
signs You have given us. Holy, Holy, Holy God, grant
Mary Her requests that we may again be your people, not
a nation above God but one nation humbled and under God.
Photo's of St. Joesph & St.Thomas Becket courtesy of
Church of
St.Thomas-a-Becket and St. Joseph Chapel Are Wheelchair
Diocese of Worcester ©Copyright St.Francis
of Assisi Parish 2013-2025. All rights reserved. 398
Vernon Ave., P.O. Box 186 South Barre, MA 01074 fax
(978) 355-0042 • Office phone
(978) 355-2228 |